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Samen creëren we buitengewone oplossingen voor flow control om de wereld voor iedereen beter te maken.
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Vertrouw en waardeer elkaar.
Elkaar ontwikkelen, verschillen omarmen, elkaar respecteren en een samenwerkingscultuur scheppen. De collectieve energie van onze mensen onderscheidt ons van onze concurrenten.
Veilige werkplekken en producten creëren voor onze werknemers, klanten en gemeenschappen.
Neem de veiligheidsregels van Flowserve goed ter harte en houd elkaar verantwoordelijk. We doen dit voor onszelf, onze klanten, onze partners en de gemeenschappen die we bedienen.
Wij doen altijd het juiste.
Ethisch en transparant handelen naar medewerkers, klanten en aandeelhouders, in overeenstemming met de gedragscode van Flowserve. Wees eerlijk, open en betrouwbaar.
Gesterkt worden door een mentaliteit om dingen anders te doen.
Neem risico's en leer van fouten. Onze kennis benutten en uitbreiden om de beste producten en diensten op de markt te brengen. Dit bereiken door creativiteit, modernisering en vindingrijkheid.
Verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor uw verplichtingen en doen wat het beste is voor ons bedrijf en onze klanten.
Het initiatief nemen om verantwoordelijkheid te dragen voor uw werk en uw beloften nakomen, om resultaten te bereiken die verder gaan dan verwacht.
Passie tonen voor continue verbetering.
Ambitieus werken met toewijding en enthousiasme om uitstekende producten, diensten en bedrijfsresultaten te leveren.
Vertrouw en waardeer elkaar.
Elkaar ontwikkelen, verschillen omarmen, elkaar respecteren en een samenwerkingscultuur scheppen. De collectieve energie van onze mensen onderscheidt ons van onze concurrenten.
Veilige werkplekken en producten creëren voor onze werknemers, klanten en gemeenschappen.
Neem de veiligheidsregels van Flowserve goed ter harte en houd elkaar verantwoordelijk. We doen dit voor onszelf, onze klanten, onze partners en de gemeenschappen die we bedienen.
Wij doen altijd het juiste.
Ethisch en transparant handelen naar medewerkers, klanten en aandeelhouders, in overeenstemming met de gedragscode van Flowserve. Wees eerlijk, open en betrouwbaar.
Gesterkt worden door een mentaliteit om dingen anders te doen.
Neem risico's en leer van fouten. Onze kennis benutten en uitbreiden om de beste producten en diensten op de markt te brengen. Dit bereiken door creativiteit, modernisering en vindingrijkheid.
Verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor uw verplichtingen en doen wat het beste is voor ons bedrijf en onze klanten.
Het initiatief nemen om verantwoordelijkheid te dragen voor uw werk en uw beloften nakomen, om resultaten te bereiken die verder gaan dan verwacht.
Passie tonen voor continue verbetering.
Ambitieus werken met toewijding en enthousiasme om uitstekende producten, diensten en bedrijfsresultaten te leveren.
We worden gedreven door ons gedrag
- We werken samen met een ondernemersmentaliteit
- We leveren boven de verwachtingen van onze klanten
- We ondernemen actie en leren van fouten
- We vertrouwen en respecteren elkaar
- We denken veilig, we werken veilig
- We omarmen en bevorderen verandering
- We handelen altijd met integriteit
We zijn trots op onze impact
Flowserve leverde gasafdichtingen en bijbehorende panelen aan Enertime, een turbinefabrikant. Onze producten zullen worden gebruikt in een energieterugwinningsturbine – deze turbines gebruiken de overdruk in de gasleiding om een generator aan te drijven en elektriciteit op te wekken. Deze innovatieve oplossing levert een directe bijdrage aan het bevorderen van energie-efficiëntie en -behoud, waardoor de wereld voor iedereen beter wordt.
Onze pompen worden gebruikt in de nieuwe productiefaciliteit van FeedKind® van Calysseo, de eerste in zijn soort in China. FeedKind® is een eiwitfamilie die bestaat uit duurzame en traceerbare diervoederingrediënten voor vis, vee en huisdieren. Het productieproces gebruikt geen landbouwgrond en betrekkelijk weinig water, en helpt zo te voorzien in de steeds toenemende behoefte van de wereld aan meer voedsel zonder de schaarse hulpbronnen verder te belasten.
Flowserve is meer dan alleen de producten die we maken en de diensten die we verlenen – we zijn toegewijd aan het dienen van onze gemeenschappen. Via onze gemeenschapsprogramma Flowserve Cares, hebben we samen met Social Impakt keramische waterfilters geleverd aan plattelandsgemeenschappen op Bali om hun toegang tot schoon drinkwater te helpen verbeteren.
De vacuümpompen van Flowserve worden gebruikt in Kanghui’s productie van PBS (polybutyleensuccinaat), een biologisch afbreekbaar plastic. Biologisch afbreekbare kunststoffen helpen niet alleen onze hoeveelheid afval te verminderen, ze kunnen ook de uitstoot van broeikasgassen verminderen, verbruiken minder energie en verminderen de koolstofuitstoot. Ze zijn een alternatief product dat bijdraagt aan de wereldwijde inspanningen voor duurzaamheid.
Er worden verschillende pompen van Flowserve gebruikt in het Everglades Restoration Plan, een van de grootste milieuherstelprojecten ter wereld. Onze pompen helpen het met algen verzadigde water van Lake Okeechobee op te slaan in een reservoir van 16 miljard gallon om het in de toekomst schoon te maken en schadelijke afvloeiing te voorkomen. Door ons milieu te helpen herstellen, kunnen we helpen de wereld beter te maken voor de komende generaties.
Flowserve leverde pompen, kleppen en afdichtingen uit Noord-Amerika en Europa om de massaproductie van het COVID-19-vaccin van Pfizer te ondersteunen, waardoor de verspreiding van COVID-19 werd vertraagd.
Via Flowserve Cares en ons partnerschap met United Way hebben we in heel India essentiële hulpgoederen kunnen leveren om Covid-19 te bestrijden. We hebben ‘familiekits’ verstrekt die voedsel, medicijnen, veiligheidsuitrusting, essentiële medische benodigdheden en zuurstofconcentratoren bevatten, en een ‘vaccinbus’ die wordt ingezet om COVID-19 vaccins en injectiespuiten te vervoeren naar degenen die de vaccinatiecentra niet kunnen bereiken.
Door de historische sneeuwstorm begin 2021 in Texas, werd een groot deel van de infrastructuur van de staat lamgelegd. Flowserve hielp onze klanten door onze mensen in te zetten en gebruik te maken van onze QRC’s in heel Noord-Amerika om zo de uitvaltijd van installaties tot een minimum te beperken en een veilige hervatting van de activiteiten te bespoedigen en Texas te helpen er weer bovenop te komen.
Het 230-jarige erfgoed van Flowserve wordt bepaald door onze toewijding aan innovatie en het verbeteren van de wereld voor iedereen door middel van onze oplossingen voor stroomregeling. We helpen steden bij het beheren van overstromingswater om hun burgers en infrastructuur te beschermen. We werken samen met farmaceutische bedrijven aan de productie van levensreddende vaccins en medicijnen. En we bieden cruciale inzichten, strategieën en producten die onze klanten in staat stellen om opnieuw na te denken over hoe ze werken en ons klimaat beschermen.
Deze voorbeelden zijn slechts enkele van de manieren waarop we de ESG-doelstellingen (Environmental, Social and Governance) van klanten - en ons eigen bedrijf - bevorderen met onze 3D-groeistrategie om: te diversifiëren, koolstofarm te maken en te digitaliseren. Lees meer in ons ESG-rapport 2023.
Flowserve's maatschappelijke impactprogramma, Flowserve Cares, omvat financiële donaties, bijdragen in natura en vrijwilligersmogelijkheden om een zinvolle impact te kunnen maken in de gemeenschappen waarin onze werknemers en klanten wonen en werken. Locaties worden aangemoedigd om lokale organisaties te selecteren die ze kunnen ondersteunen om de impact te maximaliseren en de betrokkenheid van werknemers te stimuleren. Kom meer te weten over ons impactprogramma voor gemeenschappen: Flowserve Cares.
Luister naar onze werknemers
Wayne BLair
Although Wayne Blair is an expert machinist and welder, leading global teams toward solutions for our customers is where he really excels. Wayne’s leadership journey began in the U.S. Navy where he spent 11 years building the skills that have defined his career today. When he joined Flowserve, he found an opportunity to use his military values to guide impactful, global projects.
“My military experience gave me a real passion for building leaders and guiding them to become excellent problem solvers. I love the world of machinery and to work for a company that recognizes the importance of that work, that is the best inspiration. I enjoy the dynamic nature of managing 10 Quick Response Centers across North America. Everyday there are multiple solutions to be explored at each site and supporting my teams in delivering for our customers is rewarding.”
Before Flowserve, Wayne started and managed several machine shops. In the almost 5 years he’s served at Flowserve, he has continued to build on his experience by taking on four different roles, learning and growing from each role. This accomplishment is something he is very proud of.
“My favorite thing about working for Flowserve is that I get to network with a global team. I have met people all over the world who I have been able to call on for their expertise and support when needed. I love the team spirit you feel no matter which part of the world you are working with.”
Casey Chandler
From a young age, Casey dreamed of becoming an electrician. Casey won a Christmas tree in elementary school and was shocked when he plugged it into the wall. His parents were concerned, but for him it unlocked a lifelong interest in electricity!
Casey enjoys working with his hands to diagnose and repair electrical and mechanical projects. “I love taking things apart and putting them back together. I’m curious about how things work, and I have always fixed my own machines. Part of my job is working as a mechanic and the other part is being an electrician, so I can see the stages of how something is created.”
He gets to accomplish his projects each day alongside a team that enjoys working together and supporting each other. Casey has been fortunate to have mentors but also lead critically important work for Flowserve.” We respect each other at work and are there to help each other. We have open communication, and we use our experience to help motivate each other.”
Outside of Flowserve Casey is a successful bowler. Traveling with his bowling leagues exposed him to different parts of the U.S. and ultimately brought him to Pennsylvania.
Dale Christensen
Dale has nearly 20 years of experience as a Machinist at Flowserve. He was first referred to Flowserve by a friend and in the time since he has become an expert in the role and now trains others on site.
“I’m inspired each day by working with a machine product I truly enjoy alongside a great team. I run both horizontal and vertical lathe machines daily, and my proudest accomplishment is learning to run CNC lathes.”
Dale supports the Machinists onsite in improving their skills and delivering products that exceed our customers’ expectations.
Cinnamon Christian
“In my role I get to create drawings, run analysis on performance of our designs, and do 3D modeling, which make it possible to put the plans into production. It’s great to see a project on paper then be able to stand in front of the real thing. We question and test what’s possible often. We’re always expanding our knowledge-base as a company.”
Growing up in a family of engineers, Cinnamon Christian developed an early passion for math and science and was interested in how she could apply these things in a practical way. She joined Flowserve’s R&D team in 2012, and the ever-changing environment for developing solutions for customers has given her a mix of experience within the team.
From product development and design to a specialized focus on solutions for pump hydraulics, the challenge of creating something new is what excites Cinnamon the most.
Margie Lewis
With 20 years at Flowserve, Margie Lewis brings deep expertise to our Lynchburg, VA, valves operation. In her role as a Precision Assembler, she collaborates with her peers, supervisors and engineers to build actuators and assemble parts orders.
“With each unit that I build, I challenge myself to deliver beyond customer expectations with quality products. In my role I also troubleshoot units to find solutions for the best way to assemble the product,” said Margie.
On a typical day, Margie’s toolbox consists of hammers, drills, a press, and air guns. No matter the task, she lives Flowserve’s Ownership value by being accountable and doing what is best for our customers.
Kanagavel Mathivanan
For Kanagavel, stepping into his role at Flowserve was the realization of his goal to build a career in the mechanical design field. Bringing innovation to life from concept to final product motivates Kanagavel to be a part of the Flowserve team and deliver beyond our customers’ expectations each day.
Through the years, Kanagavel has built his product knowledge to apply across several different industries. Finding ways to apply his expertise to develop new solutions fuels his passion for the work that he leads.
“One of the most significant projects I have led consisted of upgrading 12 pumps from single mechanical-seal to dual-seal to meet environmental guidelines. I was the Project Engineer on the team and partnered closely with Design Engineers and Production. The project was completed on time and resulted in one of the proudest moments in my career.”
Adjan Matthijssenn
In the 10 years Adjan has been a part of the Flowserve team, he has found excitement and motivation in learning to work across several industries from oil and gas to renewables and water. Through Flowserve’s extensive training opportunities, Adjan has been able to sharpen his skills and grow in his role.
“My role is focused on general assembly activities like balancing, hydrotesting and torqueing equipment. We have an effective team at our site and our work changes from day to day. In fact, many colleagues have helped shape my career. One of my proudest accomplishments was working as a team to turn around a customer request in a matter of days."
Elvis Nditafon
For Elvis Nditafon, “it is a joy to work for an organization that values and encourages innovation.” Such an environment is well-suited for engineers like Elvis who dare to reimagine the impossible. Elvis first became interested in automation of engineering analyses over a decade ago, a concept that was at one time deemed impossible. Ten years later, he says that “seemingly impossible engineering automation may indeed be complex but is simply a case where it has yet to be done. Creativity and innovation may be required in the process of automation, but it should not be thought impossible simply because it has never been done.”
Elvis was recently able to set his passions for automation of engineering analyses into motion when our team in Mezzago, Italy determined there was a need to reduce finite element analysis lead times for leakage simulations. After several discussions, Elvis and the team decided it would be most beneficial to develop an automated analysis application that addresses common ball valve analysis needs. The application was designed for ease of expansion and the ability to accommodate standardiz and non-standard engineering designs. The result of this innovation is consistent, high-quality analyses, reduction in cost, error and lead time. There is also the added benefit of providing engineers the freedom to focus on more critical tasks that bring value to Flowserve. All of these benefits are passed directly to our customer. The success of the application is only getting started as Elvis hopes to expand the application to include other processes and with automated reports.
Elvis has emphasized that such a successful innovation would not have come to fruition without the collaboration between the teams involved. “The importance of collaboration across engineering functions cannot be overlooked. Collaboration is essential to ensuring full utilization of the differing skills, knowledge, and experience of team members, and usually results in faster completion of projects with more innovative solutions to problems.”
Sarah Purawic
From a young age, Sarah Purawic had a knack for creativity and critical thinking to solve problems. “Math and science were always my favorite subjects. I would ask for 101 Science Experiment books and spend all day in the kitchen trying to carry them out.” With her father being a mechanical engineer, Sarah knew she wanted to enter the family business.
When she began exploring opportunities to jumpstart her career after graduating from Penn State in 2019, Sarah was intrigued by Flowserve’s early career development program, IGNITE. IGNITE offers a robust curriculum, three-year rotational program in different regions across different business functions and diverse project assignments. Sarah says she was not only attracted to the opportunity to fast track her career, but also to Flowserve’s values as an organization.
Sarah has worked on several projects ranging from material, quality and process code standardization to her most recent, an initiative focusing on cross-alignment and change management across Flowserve for several new enterprise tools. “As part of a change campaign, I’ve assembled a team to create videos explaining the needs and benefits of the new systems in a fun, creative way. The film is called Enterprise Endeavor, a superhero movie where Enterprise Mindset, the hero, needs to introduce new tools and standards to save Flowserve from Misalignment.” Sarah’s creative work on this specific project is not only directly impacting Flowserve’s strategy, but also allowing Sarah to utilize her skillset and exercise her passions in a professional setting.
Now in her third year of IGNITE, Sarah feels that her diverse experiences and projects have provided her “the best understanding of Flowserve in three years and the opportunity to develop [herself] as a team member and leader.” We are proud to offer development opportunities to young leaders at Flowserve, just like Sarah.
Tom Wheeler
Tom Wheeler joined Flowserve the day after ending a successful Navy career. While serving, Tom specialized in repair and replication of pumps, valves and marine systems, which made the transition into his role at Flowserve a natural fit. For almost 30 years, Tom has received several certifications and become an expert in machinery across a range of industries.
"My favorite part of my role is the variety. Some machinists work in production shops where they make thousands of the same parts. At Flowserve, the variety of what we do affords me flexibility to work across multiple products and machines.”
Each day, he makes it a priority to impact his deep knowledge of machinery on the next generation of Flowserve innovators.
Wayne BLair
Although Wayne Blair is an expert machinist and welder, leading global teams toward solutions for our customers is where he really excels. Wayne’s leadership journey began in the U.S. Navy where he spent 11 years building the skills that have defined his career today. When he joined Flowserve, he found an opportunity to use his military values to guide impactful, global projects.
“My military experience gave me a real passion for building leaders and guiding them to become excellent problem solvers. I love the world of machinery and to work for a company that recognizes the importance of that work, that is the best inspiration. I enjoy the dynamic nature of managing 10 Quick Response Centers across North America. Everyday there are multiple solutions to be explored at each site and supporting my teams in delivering for our customers is rewarding.”
Before Flowserve, Wayne started and managed several machine shops. In the almost 5 years he’s served at Flowserve, he has continued to build on his experience by taking on four different roles, learning and growing from each role. This accomplishment is something he is very proud of.
“My favorite thing about working for Flowserve is that I get to network with a global team. I have met people all over the world who I have been able to call on for their expertise and support when needed. I love the team spirit you feel no matter which part of the world you are working with.”
Casey Chandler
From a young age, Casey dreamed of becoming an electrician. Casey won a Christmas tree in elementary school and was shocked when he plugged it into the wall. His parents were concerned, but for him it unlocked a lifelong interest in electricity!
Casey enjoys working with his hands to diagnose and repair electrical and mechanical projects. “I love taking things apart and putting them back together. I’m curious about how things work, and I have always fixed my own machines. Part of my job is working as a mechanic and the other part is being an electrician, so I can see the stages of how something is created.”
He gets to accomplish his projects each day alongside a team that enjoys working together and supporting each other. Casey has been fortunate to have mentors but also lead critically important work for Flowserve.” We respect each other at work and are there to help each other. We have open communication, and we use our experience to help motivate each other.”
Outside of Flowserve Casey is a successful bowler. Traveling with his bowling leagues exposed him to different parts of the U.S. and ultimately brought him to Pennsylvania.
Dale Christensen
Dale has nearly 20 years of experience as a Machinist at Flowserve. He was first referred to Flowserve by a friend and in the time since he has become an expert in the role and now trains others on site.
“I’m inspired each day by working with a machine product I truly enjoy alongside a great team. I run both horizontal and vertical lathe machines daily, and my proudest accomplishment is learning to run CNC lathes.”
Dale supports the Machinists onsite in improving their skills and delivering products that exceed our customers’ expectations.
Cinnamon Christian
“In my role I get to create drawings, run analysis on performance of our designs, and do 3D modeling, which make it possible to put the plans into production. It’s great to see a project on paper then be able to stand in front of the real thing. We question and test what’s possible often. We’re always expanding our knowledge-base as a company.”
Growing up in a family of engineers, Cinnamon Christian developed an early passion for math and science and was interested in how she could apply these things in a practical way. She joined Flowserve’s R&D team in 2012, and the ever-changing environment for developing solutions for customers has given her a mix of experience within the team.
From product development and design to a specialized focus on solutions for pump hydraulics, the challenge of creating something new is what excites Cinnamon the most. #CareerSpotlight #Flowserve
Margie Lewis
With 20 years at Flowserve, Margie Lewis brings deep expertise to our Lynchburg, VA, valves operation. In her role as a Precision Assembler, she collaborates with her peers, supervisors and engineers to build actuators and assemble parts orders.
“With each unit that I build, I challenge myself to deliver beyond customer expectations with quality products. In my role I also troubleshoot units to find solutions for the best way to assemble the product,” said Margie.
On a typical day, Margie’s toolbox consists of hammers, drills, a press, and air guns. No matter the task, she lives Flowserve’s Ownership value by being accountable and doing what is best for our customers.
Interested in joining the Flowserve team? You can learn more and apply to our open roles on FlowserveCareers.com! #Flowserve #CareerSpotlight
Kanagavel Mathivanan
For Kanagavel, stepping into his role at Flowserve was the realization of his goal to build a career in the mechanical design field. Bringing innovation to life from concept to final product motivates Kanagavel to be a part of the Flowserve team and deliver beyond our customers’ expectations each day.
Through the years, Kanagavel has built his product knowledge to apply across several different industries. Finding ways to apply his expertise to develop new solutions fuels his passion for the work that he leads.
“One of the most significant projects I have led consisted of upgrading 12 pumps from single mechanical-seal to dual-seal to meet environmental guidelines. I was the Project Engineer on the team and partnered closely with Design Engineers and Production. The project was completed on time and resulted in one of the proudest moments in my career.”
Adjan Matthijssenn
In the 10 years Adjan has been a part of the Flowserve team, he has found excitement and motivation in learning to work across several industries from oil and gas to renewables and water. Through Flowserve’s extensive training opportunities, Adjan has been able to sharpen his skills and grow in his role.
“My role is focused on general assembly activities like balancing, hydrotesting and torqueing equipment. We have an effective team at our site and our work changes from day to day. In fact, many colleagues have helped shape my career. One of my proudest accomplishments was working as a team to turn around a customer request in a matter of days."
Elvis Nditafon
For Elvis Nditafon, “it is a joy to work for an organization that values and encourages innovation.” Such an environment is well-suited for engineers like Elvis who dare to reimagine the impossible. Elvis first became interested in automation of engineering analyses over a decade ago, a concept that was at one time deemed impossible. Ten years later, he says that “seemingly impossible engineering automation may indeed be complex but is simply a case where it has yet to be done. Creativity and innovation may be required in the process of automation, but it should not be thought impossible simply because it has never been done.”
Elvis was recently able to set his passions for automation of engineering analyses into motion when our team in Mezzago, Italy determined there was a need to reduce finite element analysis lead times for leakage simulations. After several discussions, Elvis and the team decided it would be most beneficial to develop an automated analysis application that addresses common ball valve analysis needs. The application was designed for ease of expansion and the ability to accommodate standardiz and non-standard engineering designs. The result of this innovation is consistent, high-quality analyses, reduction in cost, error and lead time. There is also the added benefit of providing engineers the freedom to focus on more critical tasks that bring value to Flowserve. All of these benefits are passed directly to our customer. The success of the application is only getting started as Elvis hopes to expand the application to include other processes and with automated reports.
Elvis has emphasized that such a successful innovation would not have come to fruition without the collaboration between the teams involved. “The importance of collaboration across engineering functions cannot be overlooked. Collaboration is essential to ensuring full utilization of the differing skills, knowledge, and experience of team members, and usually results in faster completion of projects with more innovative solutions to problems.”
Sarah Purawic
From a young age, Sarah Purawic had a knack for creativity and critical thinking to solve problems. “Math and science were always my favorite subjects. I would ask for 101 Science Experiment books and spend all day in the kitchen trying to carry them out.” With her father being a mechanical engineer, Sarah knew she wanted to enter the family business.
When she began exploring opportunities to jumpstart her career after graduating from Penn State in 2019, Sarah was intrigued by Flowserve’s early career development program, IGNITE. IGNITE offers a robust curriculum, three-year rotational program in different regions across different business functions and diverse project assignments. Sarah says she was not only attracted to the opportunity to fast track her career, but also to Flowserve’s values as an organization.
Sarah has worked on several projects ranging from material, quality and process code standardization to her most recent, an initiative focusing on cross-alignment and change management across Flowserve for several new enterprise tools. “As part of a change campaign, I’ve assembled a team to create videos explaining the needs and benefits of the new systems in a fun, creative way. The film is called Enterprise Endeavor, a superhero movie where Enterprise Mindset, the hero, needs to introduce new tools and standards to save Flowserve from Misalignment.” Sarah’s creative work on this specific project is not only directly impacting Flowserve’s strategy, but also allowing Sarah to utilize her skillset and exercise her passions in a professional setting.
Now in her third year of IGNITE, Sarah feels that her diverse experiences and projects have provided her “the best understanding of Flowserve in three years and the opportunity to develop [herself] as a team member and leader.” We are proud to offer development opportunities to young leaders at Flowserve, just like Sarah.
Tom Wheeler
Tom Wheeler joined Flowserve the day after ending a successful Navy career. While serving, Tom specialized in repair and replication of pumps, valves and marine systems, which made the transition into his role at Flowserve a natural fit. For almost 30 years, Tom has received several certifications and become an expert in machinery across a range of industries.
"My favorite part of my role is the variety. Some machinists work in production shops where they make thousands of the same parts. At Flowserve, the variety of what we do affords me flexibility to work across multiple products and machines.”
Each day, he makes it a priority to impact his deep knowledge of machinery on the next generation of Flowserve innovators.